How to make instant Bread Gulab Jamun..

Instant  Bread Gulab Jamun. .. ☺☺

I Never thought that gulab jamun could be made out of bread. It turned out so Soft and moist. Its a Quick and easy method to make jamun with very few ingredients. It is very delicious sweet and can be made from leftover bread…

I am sharing my way of making Bread Gulab Jamun ..

Its a detailed Recipe with step by step pictures. .

Ingredients :

To Make Sugar Syrup:

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
  • Pinch of saffron strands

Other Ingredients :

  • 8 slices of milk bread
  • 2 tsp milk powder
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • Ghee for deep frying


  1. To make sugar syrup take sugar and water in a pan. Boil it till you get 1 thread consistency on slow flame. 12071770_10208867657879582_333728403_n
  2. Add cardamom powder, lemon juice and saffron strands.12516011_10208867648959359_730214106_n
  3. Remove sides of bread and take only the white part.12325523_10208867661839681_1079262123_o
  4. Add all the white part of the bread into the mixer grinder.12884368_10208867648079337_220801142_n
  5.  Make a fine powder.  It will take only 1 min.12422296_10208867659639626_1645085657_o12442933_10208867648639351_1977315927_n
  6. Add milk powder and milk into the bread mixture and make a dough.12596166_10208867648239341_1128542408_n
  7. Adjust milk quantity to make smooth dough.
  8. Apply some ghee on your palm and make small round shaped balls from the dough.12722418_10208867647559324_1782690749_o
  9. In a deep fry pan heat ghee on medium flame.
  10. Fry the balls on slow flame till it turns golden brown.12721941_10208867647799330_473112481_n
  11. Remove fried Gulab Jamuns from pan and add them into the sugar syrup.12007214_10208868149371869_1047749714_n
  12. Soak in a warm syrup for at least 1 hour.12527778_10208867647519323_1829773082_n
  13. Yummy Bread Gulab Jamun are ready to serve. 12421404_10208867652879457_1787030337_n12721631_10208867650239391_1392848549_n
  14. Enjoy yummy Bread Gulab Jamun….delicious!!12596199_10208867648439346_691293454_n


I made Shahi Tukda from leftover bread sides and sugar syrup….its yum.


Thanks for visiting my blog and do share your comments….. Happy Cooking!!!



6 Comments Add yours

  1. sonali says:

    Very nice recipe

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you sonali☺


  2. bharti says:

    Very nyc &easy recipe


      1. very nice recipe can u share how u used the leftover sides of the bread also…..


      2. I just roasted those pieces on slow flame.add leftover sugar syrup and some rabdi. Some dry fruits and cardamom powder. . Its done☺


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